Klaas van der Woude, Arranger for Brass Music
Klaas van der Woude
Klaas van der Woude was born in the Netherlands, and got his first conducting lessons from the Dutch brass band pioneers Sierd de Boer and Tjeerd Brouwer. After the teacher training, he studied trumpet, conducting and arranging at the former Academy of Music in Leeuwarden.
At the present he is a teacher Wind and Brass Band Conducting at the Prins Claus Conservatoire in Groningen.
Since 1986 he conducts the successful Brassband De Bazuin Oenkerk and since 1995 the concert band Crescendo in Drachten. Through the years he made a great list of arrangements which are played all over the world. Not only for Brass band but also for Fanfare band, concert band, choir and small ensembles. In 2008 he was awarded with the Buma Brass Award for his positive contribution to the Dutch brass music. As freelancer he works as sound director for CD and radio recordings.
main theme from the film
main theme from James Bond
main theme from James Bond
from Saving Private Ryan
main theme from the film
from Saving Private Ryan